Generally we can see that people have a lot of ego issues these days which results to heartbreaks, serenity and many more drawbacks.

They define EGO as an inflated feeling of pride in their superiority to others but I believe we can expand the term 'EGO' as 'Edging God Out'.
Ego is nothing but i-ness inflated to the point of occupying one's entire inner space and the consequent exclusion of everything other than their own self.

It connotes vanity, pride and stupidity. The same 'I' without vanity and arrogance is called asmitha in Sanskrit, meaning innocent or the very personification of innocence. If we closely analyse our skills, talents, and achievements, there is nothing that is purely ours. Everything is created by God. There is logically nothing that justifies our pride.

Emptiness is the absence of ego, a willingness to be hollow on the inside, so as to be able to be filled by divine music. If you have to draw love from the Lord or music from his lips, empty yourself of all your selfcentredness. No ahankaar or i-ness, no vanity, just remaining in a state of shunya and you'll achieve the esctasy of this world and the inner peace of being a human.


Written by : 
Abhishek Mehra